Institute of Biochemistry

Prof. Dr. Maike Bublitz

Professor of Microbial Biochemistry
Group leader, Tampé lab (2014-15)

Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3QU / UK
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Prof. Dr. Karin Busch

Professor of Cell Biology
Postdoc, Tampé lab (2000-02)

Department of Biology
Cluster of Excellence - Cells in Motion
University of Münster
Schlossplatz 5
48149 Münster / Germany
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Prof. Dr. Min Chen

Professor of Chemistry
PhD student, Tampé lab (2001-04)

Department of Chemistry
University of Massachusetts Amherst
104 Lederle Graduate Research Tower A
710 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003
to website

Dr. Roger Draheim

Senior Lecturer in Microbiology
Group leader, Tampé lab (2010-14)

School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
University of Portsmouth
St Michael's Building Room 5.08
White Swan Road
Portsmouth, PO1 2DT / UK
to website

Dr. Chris van der Does

Group Leader
Group leader, Tampé lab (2003-09)

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Biologie II - Mikrobiologie
Molekulare Biologie der Archaeen
Schänzlestr. 1
79104 Freiburg
to website

Prof. Dr. Alexander Gottschalk

Professor of Molecular Cell Biology and Neurobiochemistry
Junior Professor, associated and 50% funded by the Tampé lab (2003-09)
- one of the first Junior Professorships in Germany -

Goethe University Frankfurt
Institute of Biophysical Chemistry
Molecular Membrane Biology and Neurobiology
Max-von-Laue-Str. 9
60438 Frankfurt
to BPC website
to BMLS website

Prof. Dr. Inga Hänelt

Heisenberg Professor of Biochemistry
Junior Professor / Emmy Noether Research Group & Group Leader, Tampé lab (2015-21 & 2014-15)

Goethe University Frankfurt
Institute of Biochemistry
Membrane Biology
Max-von-Laue-Str. 9
60438 Frankfurt
to website

Prof. Dr. Joachim Koch

Research Program Head
Postdoc & Group leader, Tampé lab (2001-08)

Affimed GmbH
Im Neuenheimer Feld 582
D - 69120 Heidelberg
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Prof. Dr. Jacob Piehler

Chair of Biophysics
Group leader, Emmy-Noether-Fellow, Tampé lab (2000-08)

Department of Biophysics
University of Osnabrück
Barbarastrasse 11
49076 Osnabrück / Germany
to website

Prof. Dr. Kristian Müller

Professor of Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology
Diploma student, Tampé lab (1993-94)

Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at Bielefeld University
Universitätsstr. 25
33615 Bielefeld / Germany
to website

Dr. Peter U. Mayerhofer

Lecturer in Molecular Immunology
Group leader, Tampé lab (2010-14)

School of Biosciences & Medicine
University of Surrey, Guildford
Surrey, GU2 7X,UK
to website

Dr. Ma. Florencia Sánchez

Emmy Noether Group Leader
Postdoc, Tampé lab (2021-24)

European Institute for Molecular Imaging (EIMI)
Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre
University of Münster
Röntgenstr. 16
48149 Münster / Germany

Prof. Dr. Lutz Schmitt

Chair of Biochemistry
PhD student, Tampé lab (1992-1996)
Group leader, Emmy-Noether-Fellow, Tampé lab (1998-2006)

Institute of Biochemistry
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstrasse 1
40255 Düsseldorf / Germany
to website

Prof. Dr. Jilin Tang

Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Postdoctoral Fellow, Tampé lab (2002-2004)

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry
Chinese Academy of Sciences
130022 Renmin Street 5625
Changchun / China
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