Institute of Biochemistry

Beck M*,#, Covino R*,#, Hänelt I*,#, Müller-McNicoll M*,# (2024)
Understanding the cell: Future views of structural biology
Cell 187(3):545-562

Maierhofer T*, Scherzer S*, Carpaneto A, Müller TD, Pardo JM, Hänelt I, Geiger D, Hedrich R (2024)
Arabidopsis HAK5 under low K+ availability operates as PMF powered high-affinity K+ transporter
Nat Comm 15:8558

Silberberg JM*, Ketter S, Böhm PJN, Jordan K, Wittenberg M, Grass J, Hänelt I# (2024)
KdpD is a tandem serine histidine kinase that controls K pump KdpFABC transcriptionally and post-translationally.
Nat Comm 15:3223

Balzulat A*, Zhu WF*, Flauaus C, Hernandez‐Olmos V, Heering J, Sethumadhavan S, Dubiel M, Frank A, Menge A, Hebchen M, Metzner K, Lu R, Lukowski R, Ruth P, Knapp S, Müller S, Steinhilber D, Hänelt I, Stark H, Proschak E#, Schmidtko A# (2024)
Discovery of a Small Molecule Activator of Slack (Kcnt1) Potassium Channels That Significantly Reduces Scratching in Mouse Models of Histamine-Independent and Chronic Itch
Adv Sci 11(15):e2307237

Fuss MF*, Wieferig J*, Corey RA*, Hellmich Y, Tascón I, Sousa JS, Stansfeld PJ, Vonck J#, Hänelt I# (2023)
Cyclic di-AMP traps proton-coupled K+ transporters of the KUP family in an inward-occluded conformation.
Nat Comm 14:3683

Silberberg JM*, Stock C*, Hielkema L*, Corey RA, Rheinberger J, Wunnicke D, Dubach VRA, Stansfeld PJ, Hänelt I#, Paulino C#  (2022)
Inhibited KdpFABC transitions into an E1 off-cycle state.
eLife 11:e80988

Silberberg JM*, Corey RA*, Hielkema L*, Stock C, Stansfeld PJ#, Paulino C#, Hänelt I# (2021)
Deciphering ion transport and ATPase coupling in the intersubunit tunnel of KdpFABC.
Nat Comm 12:5098

Stautz J*, Hellmich Y*, Fuss MF*, Silberberg JM*, Devlin JR, Stockbridge RB#, Hänelt I# (2021)
Molecular mechanisms for bacterial potassium homeostasis.
J Mol Biol 433:166968

Tascón I*, Sousa J*, Corey RA, Mills DJ, Griwatz D, Aumüller N, Mikusevic V, Stansfeld PJ, Vonck J#, Hänelt I# (2020)
Structural basis of proton-coupled potassium transport in the KUP family.
Nat Comm 11:626

Krüger L, Herzberg C, Warneke R, Poehlein A, Stautz J, Weiß M, Daniel R, Hänelt I, Stülke J# (2020)
Two ways to convert a low-affinity potassium channel to high affinity: Control of Bacillus subtilis KtrCD by glutamate.
J Bacteriol 202:e00138-20

Stock C, Hänelt I# (2020)
Membrane Protein Solubilization and Quality Control: An Example of a Primary Active Transporter.
Methods Mol Biol 2127:93-103

Ballweg S, Sezgin E, Doktorova M, Covino R, Reinhard J, Wunnicke D, Hänelt I, Levental I, Hummer G, Ernst R# (2020)
Regulation of lipid saturation without sensing membrane fluidity.
Nat Commun 11:756

Mikusevic V, Schrecker M, Patiño-Ruiz M, Fendler K, Hänelt I# (2019)
A channel profile report of the unusual K+ channel KtrB.
J Gen Physiol 151:1357-1368

Gundlach J, Krüger L, Herzberg C, Turdiev A, Poehlei A, Tascón I, Weiß M, Hertel D, Daniel R, Hänelt I, Lee VT, Stülke J# (2019)
Sustained sensing in potassium homeostasis: Cyclic di-AMP controls potassium uptake by KimA at the levels of expression and activity.
J Biol Chem 294:9605-9614

Stock C*, Hielkema L*, Tascon I*, Wunnicke D, Oostergetel G, Azkargorta M, Paulino C#, Hänelt I# (2018)
Cryo-EM structures of KdpFABC suggest a K+ transport mechanism via two inter-subunit half-channels.
Nat Comm 9:4971

Hellwig N, Peetz O, Ahdash Z, Tascón I, Booth PJ, Mikusevic V, Diskowski M, Politis A, Hellmich Y, Hänelt I, Reading E, Morgner N# (2018)
Native mass spectrometry goes more native: investigation of membrane protein complexes directly from SMALPs.
Chem Comm 54:13702-13705

Halbleib K, Pesek K, Covino R, Hofbauer HF, Wunnicke D, Hänelt I, Hummer G, Ernst R# (2017)
Activation of the unfolded protein response by lipid bilayer stress.
Mol Cell 67:673-684

Diskowski M, Mehdipour AR, Wunnicke D, Mills D, Mikusevic V, Bärland N, Hoffmann J, Morgner N, Steinhoff HJ, Hummer G, Vonck J#, Hänelt I# (2017)
Helical jackknives control the gates of the double-pore K+ uptake system KtrAB.
eLife 6:e24303

Wunnicke D, Hänelt I# (2017)
The synergetic effects of combining structural biology and EPR spectroscopy.
Crystals 7:117

Diskowski M*, Mikusevic V*, Stock, C*, Hänelt I# (2015)
Functional diversity of the superfamily of K+ transporters to meet various requirements.
Biol Chem 396:1003-1014

Prior independence

Hänelt I*, Jensen S*, Wunnicke D, Slotboom DJ# (2015)
Low affinity and slow Na+ binding precedes high affinity aspartate binding in GltPh.
J Biol Chem 290:15962-15972

Shiyan A, Thompson M, Köcher S, Tausendschön M, Santos H, Hänelt I, Müller V# (2014)
Glutamine synthetase 2 is not essential for biosynthesis of compatible solutes in Halobacillus halophilus.
Front Microbiol, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00168

Erkens GB, Hänelt I, Goudsmits JMH, Slotboom DJ#, van Oijen AM# (2013)
Unsynchronised subunit motion in single trimeric sodium-coupled aspartate transporters.
Nature 502:119-123

Jensen S, Guskov A, Rempel S, Hänelt I, Slotboom DJ# (2013)
Crystal structure of a substrate-free aspartate transporter.
Nat Struct Mol Biol 20:1224-1226

Majsnerowska M*, Hänelt I*, Wunnicke D*, Schäfer LV, Steinhoff HJ, Slotboom DJ# (2013)
Substrate-induced conformational changes in the S-component ThiT from an energy coupling factor transporter.
Structure 21:861-867

Hänelt I, Wunnicke D, Bordignon E, Steinhoff HJ, Slotboom DJ#(2013)
Conformational heterogeneity of the aspartate transporter Glt(Ph).
Nat Struct Mol Biol, 20: 210-214

Pade N, Köcher S, Roeßler M, Hänelt I, Müller V# (2013)
Bioenergetics of the moderately halophilic bacterium Halobacillus halophilus: Composition and regulation of the respiratory chain.
Appl Environ Microbiol 79: 3839-3846

Hänelt I, Müller V# (2013)
Molecular mechanisms of adaptation of the moderately halophilic bacterium Halobacillis halophilus to its environment.
Life 3:234-43

Hänelt I#, Tholema N, Kröning N, Vor der Brüggen M, Wunnicke D, Bakker EP (2011)
KtrB, a member of the superfamily of K+ transporters.
Eur J Cell Biol 90:696-704

Hänelt I*, #, Wunnicke D*, Müller-Trimbusch M, Vor der Brüggen M, Kraus I, Bakker EP, Steinhoff HJ (2010)
Membrane region M2C2 in subunit KtrB of the K+-uptake system KtrAB from Vibrio alginolyticus forms a flexible gate controlling K+ flux; an electron paramagnetic resonance study.
J Biol Chem 285:28210-28219

Hänelt I#, Löchte S, Sundermann L, Elbers K, Vor der Brüggen M, Bakker EP (2010)
Gain of function mutations in membrane region M2C2 of KtrB open a gate controlling K+ transport by the KtrAB system from Vibrio alginolyticus.
J Biol Chem 285:10318-10327

Kröning N*, Willenborg M, Tholema N, Hänelt I, Schmid R, Bakker EP# (2007)
ATP binding to the KTN/RCK subunit KtrA from the K+-uptake system KtrAB of Vibrio alginolyticus: its role in the formation of the KtrAB complex and its requirement in vivo.
J Biol Chem 282:14018-14027

*equal contribution
#corresponding author


Prof. Dr. Inga Hänelt
Biocenter N200/1.08
phone +49-69-798 29 255
