Publications: Sorted by date
Angela Paulus, CarolinWerner, BerndLudwig and Simon de Vries
The cytochrome ba3 oxidase from Thermus thermophilus does not generate a tryptophan radical during turnover: Implications for the mechanism of proton pumping
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1847, 1093–1100 (2015)
abstract and journal link
Pinar Frank, Bernhard Siebenhofer, Theresa Hanzer, Andreas F. Geiss, Florian Schadauer, Ciril Reiner-Rozman, Bill Durham, Leslie M. Loew, Bernd Ludwig, Oliver-M. H. Richter, Christoph Nowake and Renate L. C. Naumann
Proteo-lipobeads for the oriented encapsulation of membrane proteins
Soft Matter, 11, 2906-2908, (2015)
abstract and journal link
Thomas Meyer, Frédéric Melin, Oliver-M.H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig, Aimo Kannt, Hanne Müller, Hartmut Michel and Petra Hellwig
Electrochemistry suggests proton access from the exit site to the binuclear center in Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase pathway variants
FEBS Lett. 589, 565–568 (2015)
abstract and journal link
Priya Gurumoorthy and Bernd Ludwig
Deciphering protein–protein interactions during the biogenesis of cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans
FEBS J. 282, 537–549 (2015)
abstract and journal link
Banaja Priyadarshini Dash, Melanie Alles, Freya Alena Bundschuh, Oliver-M.H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
Protein chaperones mediating copper insertion into the CuA site of the aa3-type cytochrome c oxidase of Paracoccus denitrificans
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1847, 202–211 (2015)
abstract and journal link
Rita Vitale, Roberto Angelini, Simona Lobasso, Giuseppe Capitanio, Bernd Ludwig and Angela Corcelli
MALDI-TOF MS Lipid Profiles of Cytochrome c Oxidases: Cardiolipin Is Not an Essential Component of the Paracoccus denitrificans Oxidase
Biochemistry 54, 1144-1150 (2015)
abstract and journal link
Florian Schadauer, Andreas F. Geiss, Johannes Srajer, Bernhard Siebenhofer, Pinar Frank, Ciril Reiner-Rozman, Bernd Ludwig, Oliver-M. H. Richter, Christoph Nowak and Renate L. C. Naumann
Silica Nanoparticles for the Oriented Encapsulation of Membrane Proteins into Artificial Bilayer Lipid Membranes
Langmuir 31, 2511-2516 (2015)
abstract and journal link
Hao Xie, Sabine Buschmann, Julian D. Langer, Bernd Ludwig and Hartmut Michel
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of the Two Isoforms of cbb3-Type Cytochrome c Oxidase from Pseudomonas stutzeri
J. Bacteriol 196, 472-482 (2014)
abstract and journal link
Oliver-M. H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
Heme Proteins, Cytochrome c Oxidase
in: Kretsinger, Robert H.; Uversky, Vladimir N.; Permyakov, Eugene A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Metalloprot
Springer Reference, 2013
publishers link
Eftychia Pinakoulaki, Vangelis Daskalakis, Takehiro Ohta, Oliver-Matthias Richter, Kerstin Budiman, Teizo Kitagawa, Bernd Ludwig and Constantinos Varotsis
The structure of two ferryl-oxo intermediates at the same oxidation level in the heme-copper binuclear centerof cytochrome c oxidase: The protein effect
J. Biol. Chem. 288, 20261-20266 (2013)
abstract and journal link
Florian Hilbers, Iris von der Hocht, Bernd Ludwig and Hartmut Michel
True wild type and recombinant wild type cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans show a 20-fold difference in their catalase activity.
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1827, 319-327 (2013)
abstract and journal link
Roberto Angelini, Rita Vitale, Vinay A. Patil, Tiziana Cocco, Bernd Ludwig, Miriam L. Greenberg and Angela Corcelli
Lipidomics of intact mitochondria by MALDI-TOF/MS.
J. Lipid Res. 53, 1417 - 1425 (2012)
abstract and journal link
Yashin Neehaul, Ying Chen, Carolin Werner, James A. Fee, Bernd Ludwig and Petra Hellwig
Electrochemical and infrared spectrocopic analysis of the interaction of the CuA domain and cytochrome c552 from Thermus thermophilus.
Biochim Biophys Acta, 1817, 1950–1954 (2012)
abstract and journal link
Nazzareno Capitanio, Luigi L. Palese, Giuseppe Capitanio, Pietro L. Martino, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig and Sergio Papa
Allosteric interactions and proton conducting pathways in proton pumping aa3 oxidases: Heme a as a key coupling element.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1817, 558-566 (2012)
abstract and journal link
Jeffrey Havens, Michela Castellani, Thomas Kleinschroth, Bernd Ludwig, Bill Durham and Franics Millet
Photo-initiated Electron Transfer Within the P. denitrificans Cytochrome bc1 Complex: The mobility of the Iron Sulfur Protein is modulated by the occupant of the Qo site.
Biochemistry 50, 10462-10472 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Francesca Meschi, Frank Wiertz, Linda Klauss, Anneloes Blok, Bernd Ludwig, Angelo Merli, Hendrik A. Heering, Gian Luigi Rossi and Marcellus Ubbink
Efficient Electron Transfer in a Protein Network Lacking Specific Interactions.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, 16861–16867 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Achim Hannappel, Freya Alena Bundschuh and Bernd Ludwig
Role of Surf1 in heme recruitment for bacterial COX biogenesis.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1817, 928–937 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Thomas Kleinschroth, Michela Castellani, Chi H. Trinh, Nina Morgner, Bernhard Brutschy, Bernd Ludwig and Carola Hunte
X-ray structure of the dimeric cytochrome bc1 complex from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans at 2.7-Å resolution.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1807, 1606-1615 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Michela Castellani, Jeffrey Havens, Thomas Kleinschroth, Franics Millet, Bill Durham, Franscesco Malatesta and Bernd Ludwig
The acidic domain of cytochrome c1 in Paracoccus denitrificans, analogous to the acidic subunits in eukaryotic bc1 complex, is not involved in the elctron transfer reaction to its native substrate cytochrome c552.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1807, 1383-1389 (2011)
abstract and jounal link
Thomas Meyer, Julien Gross, Christian Blanck, Marc Schmutz, Bernd Ludwig, Petra Hellwig and Frederic Melin
Electrochemistry of Soluble Cytochrome c1, Cytochrome c552 and CuA from the Respiratory Chain of Thermus thermophilus Immobilized on Gold Nanoparticles.
J. Phys. Chem. 115, 7165-7170 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Achim Hannappel, Freya Alena Bundschuh and Bernd Ludwig
Characterisation of heme binding properties of Paracoccus denitrificans Surf1 proteins.
FEBS J. 78, 1769-1778 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Gernot Renger and Bernd Ludwig
Mechanism of Photosynthetic Production and Respiratory Reduction of Molecular Dioxygen: A Biophysical and Biochemical Comparison.
Chapter 13 in: Günter A. Peschek et al. (eds.), Bioenergetic Processes of Cyanobacteria
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011
publishers link
Achim Hannappel, Freya A. Bundschuh, Peter Greiner, Melanie Alles, Carolin Werner, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
Bacterial model systems for cytochrome c oxidase biogenesis.
Indian J. Chem. Vol. 50A, pp. 374-382 (2011)
NISCAIR link to article
Ariane Zutz, Jan Hoffmann, Ute A. Hellmich, Clemens Glaubitz, Bernd Ludwig, Bernd Brutschy and Robert Tampé
Asymmetric ATP hydrolysis cycle of the heterodimeric multidrug ABC transport complex TmrAB from Thermus thermophilus.
J. Biol. Chem. 286, 7104-15 (2011)
abstract and journal link
Francesca Meschi, Frank Wiertz, Linda Klauss, Chiara Cavalieri, Anneloes Blok, Bernd Ludwig, Hendrik A. Heering, Angelo Merli, Gian Luigi Rossi and Marcellus Ubbink
Amicyanin Transfers Electrons from Methylamine Dehydrogenase to Cytochrome c-551i via a Ping-Pong Mechanism, not a Ternary Complex.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 14537-14545 (2010)
abstract and journal link
Carolin Werner, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
A novel heme a insertion factor gene cotranscribes with the Thermus thermophilus cytochrome ba3 oxidase locus.
J. Bacteriol. 192, 4712-4719 (2010)
abstract and journal link
Chitra Rajendran, Ulrich Ermler, Bernd Ludwig and Hartmut Michel
Structure at 1.5 Å resolution of cytochrome c552 with its flexible linker segment, a membrane-anchored protein from Paracoccus denitrificans.
Acta Cryst. D Biol Crystallogr. 66, 850-854 (2010)
abstract and journal link
Michela Castellani, Raul Covian, Thomas Kleinschroth, Oliver Anderka, Bernd Ludwig and Bernard L. Trumpower
Direct demonstration of half-of-the-sites reactivity in the dimeric cytochrome bc1 Complex: Enzyme with one inactive monomer is fully active but unable to activate the second ubiquinol oxidation site in response to ligand binding at the ubiquinone reduction site.
J. Biol. Chem. 285, 502-510 (2010)
abstract and journal link
Sevdalina Lyubenova, Thorsten Maly , Klaus Zwicker, Ulrich Brandt, Bernd Ludwig and Thomas Prisner
Multifrequency Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance on Metalloproteins
Acc. Chem. Res. 43, 181-189 (2010)
abstract and journal link
Freya A. Bundschuh, Achim Hannappel, Oliver Anderka and Bernd Ludwig
Surf1, Associated with Leigh Syndrome in Humans, is a Heme-binding Protein in Bacterial Oxidase Biogenesis.
J. Biol. Chem. 284, 25735-25741 (2009)
abstract and journal link
Oliver-Matthias H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
Electron transfer and energy transduction in the terminal part of the respiratory chain - lessons from bacterial model systems.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1787, 625-633 (2009)
abstract and journal link
Julia Janzon, Quan Yuan, Francesco Malatesta, Petra Hellwig, Bernd Ludwig, Bill Durham and Francis Millett
Probing the Paracoccus denitrificans Cytochrome c1-Cytochrome c552 Interaction by Mutagenesis and Fast Kinetics.
Biochemistry 47, 12974-12984 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Katharina L. Dürr, Juergen Koepke, Petra Hellwig, Hannelore Müller, Heike Angerer, Guohong Peng, Elena Olkhova, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig and Hartmut Michel
A D-Pathway Mutation Decouples the Paracoccus denitrificans Cytochrome c Oxidase by Altering the Side-Chain Orientation of a Distant Conserved Glutamate.
J. Mol. Biol. 384, 865-877 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Thomas Kleinschroth, Oliver Anderka, Michaela Ritter, Andreas Stocker, Thomas A. Link, Bernd Ludwig and Petra Hellwig
Characterization of mutations in crucial residues around the Qo binding site of the cytochrome bc1 complex from Paracoccus denitrificans.
FEBS J. 275, 4773-4785 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Freya A. Bundschuh, Klaus Hoffmeier and Bernd Ludwig
Two variants of the assembly factor Surf1 target specific terminal oxidases in Paracoccus denitrificans.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1777, 1336-1343 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Marcel G. Friedrich, Markus A. Plum, M. Gabriella Santonicola, Vinzenz U. Kirste, Wolfgang Knoll, Bernd Ludwig and Renate L. C. Naumann
In Situ Monitoring of the Catalytic Activity of Cytochrome c Oxidase in a Biomimetic Architecture.
Biophys. J. 95, 1500-1510 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Peter Greiner, Achim Hannappel, Carolin Werner and Bernd Ludwig
Biogenesis of cytochrome c oxidase — in vitro approaches to study cofactor insertion into a bacterial subunit I.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1777, 904-911 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Julia Janzon, Anna C. Eichhorn, Bernd Ludwig and Francesco Malatesta Electron transfer kinetics between soluble modules of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c1 and its physiological redox partners Conserved Glutamate.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1777, 250-259 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Nina Morgner, Thomas Kleinschroth, Hans-Dieter Barth, Bernd Ludwig and Bernhard Brutschy
A Novel Approach to Analyze Membrane Proteins by Laser Mass Spectrometry: From Protein Subunits to the Integral Complex.
J. Am.Soc. Mass Spectrom. 18, 1429–1438 (2007)
abstract and journal link
Raul Covian, Thomas Kleinschroth, Bernd Ludwig and Bernard L. Trumpower
J. Biol. Chem. 282, 22289-22297 (2007)
abstract and journal link
Petra Hellwig, Andreas Böhm, Ute Pfitzner, Werner Mäntele and Bernd Ludwig
Spectroscopic study on the communication between a heme a3 propionate, Asp399 and the binuclear center of cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1777, 220-226 (2008)
abstract and journal link
Sevdalina Lyubenova, M. Khalid Siddiqui, Marloes J. M. Penning de Vries, Bernd Ludwig and Thomas F. Prisner
Protein-Protein Interactions Studied by EPR Relaxation Measurements: Cytochrome c Cytochrome c Oxidase.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 3839-3846 (2007)
abstract and journal link
Julia Janzon, Bernd Ludwig and Francesco Malatesta
Electron Transfer Kinetics of Soluble Fragments Indicate a Direct Interaction between Complex III and the caa3 Oxidase in Thermus thermophilus.
IUBMB Life 59, 1–7 (2007)
abstract and journal link
Agnieszka Sujak, Nusrat J.M. Sanghamitra, Oliver Maneg, Bernd Ludwig and Shyamalava Mazumdar
Thermostability of proteins: Role of metal binding and on the stability of the dinuclear CuA site of Thermus thermophilus.
Biophys J. 93, 2845-2851 (2007)
abstract and journal link
Frank G.M. Wiertz, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig and Simon de Vries
J. Biol. Chem. 282, 31580-31591 (2007)
abstract and journal link
Ole Farver, Ernst Grell, Bernd Ludwig, Hartmut Michel and Israel Pecht
Rates and Equilibrium of CuA to Heme a Electron Transfer in Paracoccus denitrificans Cytochrome c Oxidase.
Biophys. J. 90, 2131–2137 (2006)
abstract and journal link
Lucia Muresanu, Primoz¡ Pristovsek, Frank Löhr, Oliver Maneg,Marco D. Mukrasch, Heinz Rüterjans, Bernd Ludwig and Christian Lücke
The Electron Transfer Complex between Cytochrome c552 and the CuA Domain of the Thermus thermophilus ba3 Oxidase. A combined NMR and computational approach.
J. Biol. Chem. 281, 14503–14513 (2006)
abstract and journal link
Daniela Mooser, Oliver Maneg, Fraser MacMillan, Francesco Malatesta, Tewfik Soulimane and Bernd Ludwig
The menaquinol-oxidizing cytochrome bc complex from Thermus thermophilus: Protein domains and subunits.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1757, 1084–1095 (2006)
abstract and journal link
Julie Bachmann, Brigitte Bauer, Klaus Zwicker, Bernd Ludwig and Oliver Anderka
The Rieske protein from Paracoccus denitrificans is inserted into the cytoplasmic membrane by the twin-arginine translocase.
FEBS J. 273, 4817–4830 (2006)
abstract and journal link
Simona Lucioli, Klaus Hoffmeier, Rosalba Carrozzo, Alessandra Tessa, Bernd Ludwig and Filippo Santorelli
Introducing a novel human mtDNA mutation into the Paracoccus denitrificans COX I gene explains functional deficits in a patient.
Neurogenetics 7, 51–57 (2006)
abstract and journal link
Anna Kirichenko, Ute Pfitzner, Bernd Ludwig, Claudio Soares, T. V. Vygodina and Alexander Konstantinov
Cytochrome c oxidase as a calcium binding protein. Studies on the role of a conserved aspartate in helices XI-XII cytoplasmic loop in cation binding.
Biochemistry 44, 12391-12401 (2005)
abstract and journal link
Jeanne Salje, Bernd Ludwig and Oliver-Matthias H. Richter
Is a third proton-conducting pathway operative in bacterial cytochrome c oxidase?
Biochem.Soc.Trans. 33, 829-831 (2005)
abstract and journal link
Bernd Ludwig
Reduce to increase: copper binding to a mitochondrial chaperone.
Structure 13, 686-688 (2005)
journal link
Daniela Mooser, Oliver Maneg, Carsten Corvey, Thomas Steiner, Francesco Malatesta, Michael Karas, Tewfik Soulimane and Bernd Ludwig
A four-subunit cytochrome bc1 complex complements the respiratory chain of Thermus thermophilus.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1708, 262-274 (2005)
abstract and journal link
Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Katharina Dürr, Aimo Kannt, Bernd Ludwig, Francesca Scandurra, Alessandro Giuffre, Paolo Sarti and Petra Hellwig
Probing the access of protons to the K pathway in the Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase.
FEBS J. 575, 127-130 (2005)
abstract and journal link
Frank Wiertz, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Alexey Cherepanov, Fraser MacMillan, Bernd Ludwig and Simon de Vries
An oxo-ferryl tryptophan radical catalytic intermediate in cytochrome c and quinol oxidases trapped by microsecond freeze-hyperquenching (MHQ).
FEBS Lett. 575, 127-130 (2004)
abstract and journal link
Kerstin Budiman, Aimo Kannt, Sevdalina Lyubenova, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig, Hartmut Michel and Fraser MacMillan
Tyrosine 167: the origin of the radical species observed in the reaction of cytochrome c oxidase with hydrogen peroxide in Paracoccus denitrificans.
Biochemistry 43, 11709-11716 (2004)
abstract and journal link
Martina Wolpert, Oliver Maneg, Bernd Ludwig and Petra Hellwig
Characterization of the CuA center in the cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus for the spectral range 1800-500 cm-1 with a combined electrochemical and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic setup.
Biopolymers 74, 73-76 (2004)
abstract and journal link
Oliver Maneg, Francesco Malatesta, Bernd Ludwig and Viktoria Drosou
Interaction of cytochrome c with cytochrome oxidase: two diffferent docking scenarios.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1655, 274-281 (2004)
abstract and journal link
Elena Forte, Francesca M. Scandurra, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Emilio D'Itri, Paolo Sarti, Maurizio Brunori, Bernd Ludwig and Alessandro Giuffrè
Proton uptake upon anaerobic reduction of the Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase: a kinetic investigation of the K354M and D124N mutants.
Biochemistry 43, 2957-2963 (2004)
abstract and journal link
Marco Mukrasch, Christian Lücke, Frank Löhr, Oliver Maneg, Bernd Ludwig and Heinz Rüterjans
Complete 1H, 15N and 13C assignment of the soluble domain of the ba3 oxidase subunit II of Thermus thermophilus in the reduced state.
J. Biomol. NMR 28, 297-298 (2004)
abstract and journal link
Anke Stroh, Oliver Anderka, Kathy Pfeiffer, Takao Yagi, Moshe Finel, Bernd Ludwig and Hermann Schägger
Assembly of respiratory complexes I, III, and IV into NADH oxidase supercomplex stabilizes complex I in Paracoccus denitrificans.
J. Biol. Chem. 279, 5000-5007 (2004
abstract and journal link
Michaela Ritter, Oliver Anderka, Bernd Ludwig, Werner Mäntele and Petra Hellwig
Electrochemical and FTIR Spectroscopic Characterization of the bc1 Complex from Paracoccus denitrificans: Evidence for protonation reactions coupled with quinone binding.
Biochemistry 42, 12391-12399 (2003)
abstract and journal link
Oliver Maneg, Bernd Ludwig and Francesco Malatesta
Different interaction modes ot two cytochrome c oxidase soluble CuA fragments with their substrates.
J. Biol. Chem. 278, 46734-467340 (2003)
abstract and journal link
Hans Wienk, Oliver Maneg, Christian Lücke, Primoz Pristovsek, Frank Löhr, Bernd Ludwig and Heinz Rüterjans
Interaction of cytochrome c with cytochrome c oxidase: an NMR study on two soluble fragments derived from Paracoccus denitrificans.
Biochemistry 42, 6005-6012 (2003)
abstract and journal link
Eftychia Pinakoulaki, Ute Pfitzner, Bernd Ludwig and Constantinos Varotsis
Direct detection of Fe(IV)=O intermediates in the cytochrome aa3 oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans/H2O2 reaction.
J. Biol. Chem. 278, 18761-18766 (2003)
abstract and journal link
Stéphane Grimaldi, Thomas Ostermann, N. Weiden, Tatsushi Mogi, Hideto Miyoshi, Bernd Ludwig, Hartmut Michel, Thomas Prisner and Fraser MacMillan
Asymmetric binding of the high-affinity Q(H)(*)(-) ubisemiquinone in quinol oxidase (bo3) from Escherichia coli studied by multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Biochemistry 42, 5632-5639 (2003)
abstract and journal link
Oliver-Matthias H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
Cytochrome c oxidase - structure, function, and physiology of a redox-driven molecular machine.
Rev. Physiol. Biochem. Pharmacol. 147, 47-74 (2003)
abstract and journal link
Viktoria Drosou, Britta Reincke, Matthias Schneider and Bernd Ludwig
Specificity of interaction between the Paracoccus denitrificans oxidase and its substrate cytochrome c: comparing the mitochondrial to the homologous bacterial cytochrome c552, and its truncated and site-directed mutants.
Biochemistry 41, 10629-10634 (2002)
abstract and journal link
Petra Hellwig, Ute Pfitzner, Julia Behr, Borries Rost, Wilfred von Donk, Hartmut Michel, Bernd Ludwig and Werner Mäntele
Vibrational modes of tyrosines in cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans: FT-IR and electrochemical studies on Tyr-D4-labeled and on Tyr280His and Tyr35Phe mutant enzymes.
Biochemistry 41, 9116-9125 (2002)
abstract and journal link
Viktoria Drosou, Francesco Malatesta, Maurizio Brunori and Bernd Ludwig
Mutations in the docking site for cytochrome c on the Paracoccus heme aa3 oxidase: electron entry and kinetic phases of the reaction.
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 2980-2988 (2002)
abstract and journal link
Alessandro Giuffrè, Maria Cecilia Barone, Maurizio Brunori, Emilio D'Itri, Bernd Ludwig, Francesco Malatesta, Hans-Werner Müller and Paolo Sarti
Nitric Oxide Reacts with the Single-Electron Reduced Active Site of Cytochrome c Oxidase.
J. Biol. Chem. 277, 22402-22406 (2002)
abstract and journal link
Eftychia Pinakoulaki, Ute Pfitzner, Bernd Ludwig and Constantinos Varotsis
The Role of the Cross-Link His-Tyr in the Functional Properties of the Binuclear Center in Cytochrome c Oxidase.
J. Biol. Chem. 277, 13563-13568 (2002)
abstract and journal link
Gottfried Mayer, Oliver Anderka, Bernd Ludwig and Dieter Schubert
The State of Association of the Cytochrome bc1 Complex from Paracoccus denitrificans in Solutions of Dodecyl Maltoside.
Progr. Colloid Polym. Sci. 119, 77-83 (2002)
journal link
Tiziana Cocco, Giuseppe Cutecchia, Bernd Ludwig, Marcus Korn, Sergio Papa and Michele Lorussso
Carboxyl residues in the iron-sulfur protein are involved in the proton pumping activity of P. denitrificans bc1 complex.
Biochemistry 40, 15396-15402 (2001)
abstract and journal link
Marijke Otten, John van der Oost, Willem Reijnders, Hans Westerhoff, Bernd Ludwig and Rob van Spanning
Cytochromes c550, c552 and c1 in the electron transport network of Paracoccus denitrificans: redundant or subtly different in function?
J. Bacteriol. 183, 7017-7026 (2001)
abstract and journal link
Britta Reincke, Carlos Pérez, Primoz Pristovsek, Christian Lücke, Christian Ludwig, Frank Löhr, Vladimir Rogov, Bernd Ludwig and Heinz Rüterjans
Solution structure and dynamics of the functional domain of Paracoccus denitrificans c552 in both redox states.
Biochemistry 40, 12312-12320 (2001)
abstract and journal link
Bernd Ludwig, Elisabeth Bender, Susanne Arnold, Maik Hüttemann, Icksoo Lee and Bernhard Kadenbach
Cytochrome c oxidase and the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation.
Chembiochem. 2, 392-403 (2001)
abstract and journal link
Stéphane Grimaldi, Fraser MacMillan, Thomas Ostermann, Bernd Ludwig, Hartmut Michel and Thomas Prisner
QH Ubisemiquinone Radical in the bo3-type Ubiquinol Oxidase Studied by Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Hyperfine Sublevel Correlation Spectroscopy.
Biochemistry 40, 1037-1043 (2001)
abstract and journal link
Susanne Döpner, Jiri Hudecek, Bernd Ludwig, Heike Witt and Peter Hildebrandt
Structural Changes in Cytochrome c Oxidase Induced by Cytochrome c Binding. A Resonance Raman Study.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1480, 57-64 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Jörg Matysik, Peter Hildebrandt and Bernd Ludwig
Induction of photochemical auto-reduction of cytochrome c oxidase by an organic peroxide.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1459, 125-130 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Ute Pfitzner, Klaus Hoffmeier, Axel Harrenga, Aimo Kannt, Hartmut Michel, Ernst Bamberg, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter and Bernd Ludwig
Tracing the D-pathway in reconstituted site-directed mutants of cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans.
Biochemistry 39, 6756-6762 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Hanno Käß, Fraser MacMillan, Bernd Ludwig and Thomas Prisner
Investigation of the Mn binding site in cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans by high-frequency EPR.
J. Phys. Chem. 104, 5362-5371 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Primoz Pristovsek, Christian Lücke, Britta Reincke, Bernd Ludwig and Heinz Rüterjans
Solution structure of the functional domain of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the reduced state.
Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 4205-4212 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Christian Lücke, Britta Reincke, Frank Löhr, Primoz Pristovsek, Bernd Ludwig and Heinz Rüterjans
Complete 1H, 15N and 13C assignment of the functional domain of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the oxidized state.
J. Biomol. NMR 18, 365-366 (2000)
journal link
Primoz Pristovsek, Christian Lücke, Britta Reincke, Frank Löhr, Bernd Ludwig and Heinz Rüterjans
Complete 1H, 15N and 13C assignment of the functinal domain of Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c552 in the reduced state.
J. Biomol. NMR 16, 353-354 (2000)
journal link
Maarten Ruitenberg, Aimo Kannt, Ernst Bamberg, Hartmut Michel, Bernd Ludwig and Klaus Fendler
Single-electron reduction of the oxidized state is coupled to proton uptake via the K-pathway in Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97, 4632-4636 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Axel Harrenga, Britta Reincke, Heinrich Rüterjans, Bernd Ludwig and Hartmut Michel
Structure of the Soluble Domain of Cytochrome c552 from Paracoccus denitrificans in the Oxidized and Reduced States.
J. Mol. Biol. 295, 667-678 (2000)
abstract and journal link
Selected older publications
Aimo Kannt, Ute Pfitzner, Maarten Ruitenberg, Petra Hellwig, Bernd Ludwig, Werner Mäntele, Klaus Fendler and Hartmut Michel
Mutation of Arg-54 strongly influences heme composition and rate and directionality of electron transfer in Paracoccus denitrificans cytochrome c oxidase.
Biochemistry 38, 1685-9164 (1999)
abstract and journal link
Petra Hellwig, Stefan Grzybek, Julia Behr, Bernd Ludwig, Hartmut Michel and Werner Mäntele
Electrochemical and ultraviolet/visible/infrared spectroscopic analysis of heme aa3 redox reactions in the cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans: separation of heme a and a3 contributions and assignment of vibrational modes.
Biochemistry 38, 1685-9164 (1999)
abstract and journal link
Simon Baker, Stuart Ferguson, Bernd Ludwig, Dudley Page, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter and Rob van Spanning
Molecular genetics of the genus Paracoccus: metabolically versatile bacteria with bioenergetic flexibility.
Microbiol. Mol. Biol. Rev. 62, 1046-1078 (1998)
abstract and journal link
Ute Pfitzner, Annette Odenwald, Thomas Ostermann, Lili Weingard, Bernd Ludwig and Oliver-Matthias H. Richter
Cytochrome c oxidase (heme aa3) from Paracoccus denitrificans: analysis of mutations in putative proton channels of subunit I.
J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. 30, 89-97 (1998)
abstract and journal link
Thomas Schröter, Christine Winterstein, Bernd Ludwig and Oliver-Matthias H. Richter
Expression of the Escherichia coli cyo operon in Paracoccus denitrificans results in a fully active quinol oxidase of unexpected heme composition.
FEBS Lett. 432, 109-112 (1998)
abstract and journal link
Heike Witt, Francesco Malatesta, Flavia Nicoletti, Maurizio Brunori and Bernd Ludwig
Tryptophan 121 of subunit II is the electron entry site to cytochrome c oxidase in Paracoccus denitrificans Involvement of a hydrophobic patch in the docking reaction.
J. Biol. Chem. 273, 5132-5136 (1998)
abstract and journal link
Heike Witt, Francesco Malatesta, Flavia Nicoletti, Maurizio Brunori and Bernd Ludwig
Cytochrome c binding site on cytochrome oxidase in Paracoccus denitrificans.
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Krishna Saxena, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig and Roland Benz
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Andreas Hirsch, Jason Breed, Krishna Saxena, Oliver-Matthias H. Richter, Bernd Ludwig, Kay Diederichs and Wolfram Welte
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Peter Steinrücke, Guy Steffens, Gunnar Panskus, Gerhard Buse and Bernd Ludwig
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Bernd Ludwig and Gottfried Schatz
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