By car:
Click here for a road map!
From the north:
Follow the highway A5 to the Bad Homburger Kreuz. Take the A661 to Frankfurt/Offenbach. Leave the A661 at the exit "Heddernheim", follow the road (Marie-Curie-Strasse) until the second traffic lights. The Biocenter is up the hill on the right side. Turn right (Altenhöferallee), then left (Max-von-Laue-Strasse).
From the south and west:
Follow the highway A5 to the Nordwestkreuz and then the A66 to Miquelallee. Take the second exit ("Frankfurt/Miquelallee", No. 21, at the TV tower) and go ahead towards Nordweststadt/Oberursel. (Don't take the exit to "Universität"! This will lead you to the down town-campus!) Drive along "Rosa-Luxemburg-Strasse" (approx. 4 km). You will see a big blue chimney with a dragon painted on it close to the exit "Mertonviertel". Take this exit and follow Marie-Curie-Strasse until the traffic lights. The Biocenter is up the hill on the left side. Turn left (Altenhöferallee) and then left again (Max-von-Laue-Strasse).
With public transportation:
Take any underground or S-Train to "Frankfurt-Hauptwache", e.g. S8 from the airport. Here you must change to the underground:
a) U8 in direction "Riedberg" (every 15 minutes). Your station is "Uni Campus Riedberg", - or
b) U3 in direction "Oberursel Hohemark". Your station is "Niederursel". Turn right and walk up the hill, after 1 km you will reach the Biocenter on Campus Riedberg.
You will get a ticket for the underground- or S-trains on the ticket machine; press the button "Einzelfahrt Frankfurt".
Our address:
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Institute of Biochemistry, Biocenter
Campus Riedberg
Max-von-Laue-Straße 9, D-60438 Frankfurt/Germany