Publications 2008
Watschinger K, Horak SB, Schulze K, Obermair GJ, Wild C, Koschak A, Sinnegger-Brauns MJ, Tampé R, Striessnig J.
Functional properties and modulation of extracellular epitope-tagged Ca(V)2.1 voltage-gated calcium channels.
Channels (Austin). 2008 Nov-Dec;2(6):461-73. Epub 2008 Nov 15.
Buchholz K, Tinazli A, Kleefen A, Dorfner D, Pedone D, Rant U, Tampé R, Abstreiter G, Tornow M.
Silicon-on-insulator based nanopore cavity arrays for lipid membrane investigation.
Nanotechnology. 2008 Oct 2;19(445305):1-6.
Verweij MC, Koppers-Lalic D, Loch S, Klauschies F, de la Salle H, Quinten E, Lehner PJ, Mulder A, Knittler MR, Tampé R, Koch J, Ressing ME, Wiertz EJ.
The Varicellovirus UL49.5 protein blocks the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) by inhibiting essential conformational transitions in the 6+6 transmembrane TAP core complex.
J Immunol. 2008 Oct 1;181(7):4894-907.
Artelsmair H, Kienberger F, Tinazli A, Schlapak R, Zhu R, Preiner J, Wruss J,
Kastner M, Saucedo-Zeni N, Hoelzl M, Rankl C, Baumgartner W, Howorka S, Blaas D, Gruber HJ, Tampé R, Hinterdorfer P.
Atomic Force Microscopy-Derived Nanoscale Chip for the Detection of Human Pathogenic Viruses.
Small. 2008 Jun 17;4(6):847-54.
Koppers-Lalic D, Verweij MC, Lipinska AD, Wang Y, Quinten E, Reits EA, Koch J,
Loch S, Rezende MM, Daus F, Bienkowska-Szewczyk K, Osterrieder N, Mettenleiter TC, Heemskerk MH, Tampé R, Neefjes JJ, Chowdhury SI, Ressing ME, Rijsewijk FA,
Wiertz EJ.
Varicellovirus UL 49.5 proteins differentially affect the function of the transporter associated with antigen processing, TAP.
PLoS Pathog. 2008 May 30;4(5):e1000080
Zhao C, Haase W, Tampé R, Abele R.
Peptide specificity and lipid activation of the lysosomal transport complex ABCB9 (TAPL).
J Biol Chem. 2008 Jun 20;283(25):17083-91. Epub 2008 Apr 22.
Burgdorf S, Schölz C, Kautz A, Tampé R, Kurts C.
Spatial and mechanistic separation of cross-presentation and endogenous antigen presentation.
Nat Immunol. 2008 May;9(5):558-66. Epub 2008 Mar 30.
Valiokas R, Klenkar G, Tinazli A, Reichel A, Tampé R, Piehler J, Liedberg B.
Self-Assembled Monolayers Containing Terminal Mono-, Bis-, and Tris-nitrilotriacetic Acid Groups: Characterization and Application.
Langmuir 2008 May 6;24(9):4959-67. Epub 2008 Apr 8.
Loch S, Klauschies F, Schölz C, Verweij MC, Wiertz EJ, Koch J, Tampé R.
Signaling of a varicelloviral factor across the ER membrane induces destruction of the peptide-loading complex and immune evasion.
J. Biol. Chem. 2008 May 9;283(19):13428-36. Epub 2008 Mar 5.
Dietz J, Koch J, Kaur A, Raja C, Stein S, Grez M, Pustowka A, Mensch S, Ferner J, Möller L, Bannert N, Tampé R, Divita G, Mély Y, Schwalbe H, Dietrich U.
Inhibition of HIV-1 by a Peptide Ligand of the Genomic RNA Packaging Signal Psi.
ChemMedChem. 2008 May;3(5):749-55.
Turchanin A, Tinazli A, El-Desawy M, Großmann H, Schnietz M, Solak HH, Tampé R, Gölzhäuser A.
Molecular Self-Assembly, Chemical Lithography, and Biochemical Tweezers: A Path for the Fabrication of Functional Nanometer-Scale Protein Arrays.
Adv. Mater. 2008;20(3):471-7. Epub 2008 Jan 17.
Ludden MJ, Mulder A, Schulze K, Subramaniam V, Tampé R, Huskens J.
Anchoring of Histidine-Tagged Proteins to Molecular Printboards: Self-assembly, Thermodynamic Modeling, and Patterning.
Chemistry. 2008 Feb 27;14(7):2044-51.
Publications 2007
Tinazli A, Tampé R.
In situ-Fabrikation bioaktiver Nanoarrays.
BIOforum 06/2007, 48-50.
Demirel Ö, Waibler Z, Kainke U, Grünebach F, Appel S, Brossart P, Hasilik A,
Tampé R, Abele R.
Identification of a lysosomal peptide transport system induced during dendritic cell development.
J Biol Chem. 2007 Dec 28;282(52):37836-43. Epub 2007 Oct 31.
Nikles D, Tampé R.
Targeted degradation of ABC transporters in health and disease.
J Bioenerg Biomembr. 2007 Dec;39(5-6):489-97.
Gompf S, Zutz A, Hofacker M, Haase W, van der Does C, Tampé R.
Switching of the homooligomeric ATP-binding cassette transport complex MDL1 from post-translational mitochondrial import to endoplasmic reticulum insertion.
FEBS J. 2007 Oct;274(20):5298-310. Epub 2007 Sep 24.
Parcej D, Tampé R.
Caught in the Act: an ABC Transporter on the Move.
Structure. 2007 Sep;15(9):1028-30.
Wissler J, Mulder A, Tampé R, Bolte M.
5,5'-Dimethyl-4,4'-bis[2- (2-methyl-3-thienyl)cyclopentenyl] -2,2'-bithiophene.
Acta Cryst. (2007). E63, o2813-o2814.
Ludden MJ, Mulder A, Tampé R, Reinhoudt DN, Huskens J.
Molecular Printboards as a General Platform for Protein Immobilization: A Supramolecular Solution to Nonspecific Adsorption.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2007;46(22):4104-7.
Hölzl M, Tinazli A, Leitner C, Hahn CD, Lackner B, Tampé R, Gruber HJ.
Protein-Resistant Self-Assembled Monolayers on Gold with Latent Aldehyde Functions.
Langmuir. 2007 May 8;23(10):5571-7. Epub 2007 Apr 14.
Tinazli A, Piehler J, Beuttler M, Guckenberger R, Tampé R.
Native protein nanolithography that can write, read and erase.
Nature Nanotechnology 2, 220-5 (2007); Published online: 18 March 2007.
Plewnia G, Schulze K, Hunte C, Tampé R, Koch J.
Modulation of the Antigenic Peptide Transporter TAP by Recombinant Antibodies Binding to the Last Five Residues of TAP1.
J Mol Biol. 2007 May 25;369(1):95-107. Epub 2007 Mar 15.
Barthelme D, Scheele U, Dinkelaker S, Janoschka A, Macmillan F, Albers SV,
Driessen AJ, Salamone-Stagni M, Bill E, Meyer-Klaucke W, Schunemann V, Tampé R.
Structural organization of essential iron-sulfur clusters in the evolutionarily highly conserved ATP-binding cassette protein ABCE1.
J Biol Chem. 2007 May 11;282(19):14598-607. Epub 2007 Mar 12.
Herget M, Oancea G, Schrodt S, Karas M, Tampé R, Abele R.
Mechanism of substrate sensing and signal transmission within an ABC transporter: Use of a Trojan horse strategy.
J Biol Chem. 2007 Feb 9;282(6):3871-80. Epub 2006 Dec 12.
Hofacker M, Gompf S, Zutz A, Presenti C, Haase W, van der Does C, Model K,
Tampé R.
Structural and functional fingerprint of the mitochondrial ABC transporter MDL1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
J Biol Chem. 2007 Feb 9;282(6):3951-61. Epub 2006 Dec 6.
Hahn CD, Tinazli A, Hölzl M, Leitner C, Frederix F, Lackner B, Müller M, Klampfl C, Tampé R, Gruber HJ.
Pragmatic Studies on Protein-Resistant Self-Assembled Monolayers.
Chemical Monthly 2007 Jan 29;138:245-52.
Hahn CD, Leitner C, Weinbrenner T, Schlapak R, Tinazli A, Tampé R, Lackner B, Steindl C, Hinterdorfer P, Gruber HJ, Hölzl M.
Self-Assembled Monolayers with Latent Aldehydes for Protein Immobilization.
Bioconjug Chem. 2007 Jan 17;18(1):247-53.
van Hall T, Laban S, Koppers-Lalic D, Koch J, Precup C, Asmawidjaja P, Offringa R, Wiertz EJ.
The varicellovirus-encoded TAP inhibitor UL49.5 regulates the presentation of CTL epitopes by Qa-1b1.
J Immunol. 2007 Jan 15;178(2):657-62.
Publications 2006
Pretz MG, Albers SV, Schuurman-Wolters G, Tampé R, Driessen AJ, Does CV.
Thermodynamics of the ATPase Cycle of GlcV, the Nucleotide-Binding Domain of the Glucose ABC Transporter of Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Biochemistry. 2006 Dec 19;45(50):15056-15067.
Valiokas R, Klenkar G, Tinazli A, Tampé R, Liedberg B, Piehler J.
Differential Protein Assembly on Micropatterned Surfaces with Tailored Molecular and Surface Multivalency.
Chembiochem. 2006 Sep;7(9):1325-9.
Schulze K, Mulder A, Tinazli A, Tampé R.
Controlling the Activity of the 20S Proteasome Complex by Synthetic Gatekeepers.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2006 Aug 25;45(34):5702-5.
Ernst R, Koch J, Horn C, Tampé R, Schmitt L.
Engineering ATPase activity in the isolated ABC-cassette of human TAP1.
J Mol Biol 2006 Sep 15;281(37):27471-80. Epub 2006 Jul 24.
van der Sluis EO, Nouwen N, Koch J, de Keyzer J, van der Does C, Tampé R,
Driessen AJ.
Identification of two interaction sites in SecY that are important for the functional interaction with SecA.
J Mol Biol. 2006 Sep 1;361(5):839-49. Epub 2006 Jul 15.
Aisenbrey C, Sizun C, Koch J, Herget M, Abele R, Bechinger B, Tampé R.
Structure and dynamics of membrane-associated ICP47, a viral inhibitor of the MHC I antigen processing machinery.
J Biol Chem. 2006 Oct 13;281(41):30365-72. Epub 2006 Jul 11.
Koch J, Guntrum R, Tampé R.
The first N-terminal transmembrane helix of each subunit of the antigenic peptide transporter TAP is essential for independent tapasin binding.
FEBS Lett. 2006 Jul 24;580(17):4091-6. Epub 2006 Jun 30.
Klenkar G, Valiokas R, Lundstrom I, Tinazli A, Tampé R, Piehler J, Liedberg B.
Piezo dispensed microarray of multivalent chelating thiols for dissecting complex protein-protein interactions.
Anal Chem. 2006 Jun 1;78(11):3643-50.
Abele R, Tampé R.
Modulation of the antigen transport machinery TAP by friends and enemies.
FEBS Lett . 580, 1156-1163.
van der Does C, Presenti C, Schulze K, Dinkelaker S, Tampé R.
Kinetics of the ATP hydrolysis cycle of the nucleotide-binding domain of MDL1 studied by a novel site-specific labeling technique.
J Biol Chem. 2006, 281:5694-5701.
Petzinger E, Burckhardt G, Tampé R.
A multi-faceted world of transporters.
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2006 Mar;372(6):383-4.
Zhao C, Tampé R, Abele R.
TAP and TAP-like--brothers in arms?
Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. 2006 Mar;372(6):444-50. Epub 2006 Mar 9.
Koch J, Tampé R.
The macromolecular peptide-loading complex in MHC class I-dependent antigen presentation.
Cell Mol Life Sci. 2006 Mar;63(6):653-62.
Lata S, Gavutis M, Tampé R, Piehler J.
Specific and stable fluorescence labeling of histidine-tagged proteins for dissecting multi-protein complex formation.
J Am Chem Soc. 2006 Feb 22;128(7):2365-72.
Schrodt S, Koch J, Tampé R.
Membrane topology of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP1) within an assembled functional peptide-loading complex.
J. Biol. Chem. 2006; 281:6455-62.
Herget M, Tampé R.
Intracellular peptide transporters in human – compartmentalization of the "peptidome".
Pflugers Arch. 2007 Feb;453(5):591-600. Epub 2006 May 18.
Albers SV, Jonuscheit M, Dinkelaker S, Ulrich T, Kletzin A, Tampé R, Driessen AJ, Schleper C.
Production of Recombinant and Tagged Proteins in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006 Jan;72(1):102-11.
Publications 2005
Schölz C, Tampé, R.
The Intracellular Antigen Transport Machinery TAP in Adaptive Immunity and Virus Escape Mechanisms.
J Bioenerg Biomembr. 2005, 37:509-15.
Loch S, Tampé, R.
Viral evasion of the MHC class I antigen-processing machinery.
Pflugers Arch. 2005, 451: 409-417.
Koch J, Guntrum R, Tampé R.
Exploring the minimal functional unit of the transporter associated with antigen processing.
FEBS Lett. 2005, 579(20):4413-6.
Lata S, Reichel A, Brock R, Tampé R, Piehler J.
High-affinity adaptors for switchable recognition of histidine-tagged proteins.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127(29):10205-15.
Tinazli A, Tang J, Valiokas R, Picuric S, Lata S, Piehler J, Liedberg B, Tampé R.
High-Affinity Chelator Thiols for Switchable and Oriented Immobilization of Histidine-Tagged Proteins: A Generic Platform for Protein Chip Technologies.
Chem. Eur. J., 2005, 11(18):5249-5259.
Wolters JC, Abele R, Tampé R.
Selective and ATP-dependent translocation of peptides by the homodimeric ABC transporter TAP-like (ABCB9).
J. Biol. Chem., 2005, 280:23631-6.
Loch S, Tampé R.
Immunevasine – Tricks, wie Viren dem Immunsystem entkommen.
BioSpektrum, 2005, 2, 157-161.
Koppers-Lalic D, Reits EAJ, Ressing ME, Lipinska AD, Abele R, Koch J, Rezende MM, Admiraal P, van Leeuwen D, Bienkowska-Szewczyk K, Mettenleiter TC, Rijsewijk FAM, Tampé R, Neefjes J, Wiertz EJHJ.
Varicelloviruses avoid T cell recognition by UL49.5-mediated inactivation of the transporter associated with antigen processing.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 2005, 102(14), 5144-5149.
Ackermann AL, Kyritsis C, Tampé R, Cresswell P.
Access of soluble antigens to the endoplasmic reticulum can explain cross-presentation by dendritic cells.
Nat. Immunol., 2005, 6(1), 107-13.
Publications 2004
van der Does C & Tampé R.
How do ABC transporters drive transport?
Biological Chemistry, 2004, 385(10), 927–933.
Tinazli A & Tampé R.
Small is beautiful - Bioforschung in der Nanowelt.
Forschung Frankfurt, 2004, 22(3-4), 10-14.
van der Does C & Tampé R.
Changing Orders - Primary and Secondary Membrane Transporters Revised.
ChemBioChem 2004, 5(9), 1171-1175.
Chen M, Abele R & Tampé R.
Functional non-equivalence of ABC signature motifs in the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP).
J Biol Chem., 2004, 279(44), 46073-46081.
Abele R & Tampé R.
The ABCs of immunology: structure and function of TAP, the transporter associated with antigen processing.
Physiology (Bethesda), 2004, 19, 216-24.
Beismann-Driemeyer S & Tampé R.
Function of the Antigen Transport Complex TAP in Cellular Immunity.
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4014-4031.
Beismann-Driemeyer S & Tampé R.
Funktion der Antigen-Transportmaschinerie TAP im zellulären Immunsystem.
Angew. Chem. 2004, 116, 4104-4122.
Hutschenreiter S, Tinazli A, Model K & Tampé R.
Two-substrate association with the 20S proteasome at single-molecule level.
EMBO J. 2004, Jul 7; 23(13):2488-2497.
Doeven MK, Abele R, Tampé R, Poolman B.
The binding specificity of OppA determines the selectivity of the oligopeptide ABC transporter.
J. Biol. Chem., 2004; 279:32301-7.
Gamsjaeger R, Wimmer B, Kahr H, Tinazli A, Picuric S, Lata S, Tampé R, Maulet Y, Gruber HJ, Hinterdorfer P, Romanin C.
Oriented Binding of the His6-Tagged Carboxyl-Tail of the L-type Ca2+ Channel 1-Subunit to a New NTA-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayer.
Langmuir 2004, 20(14):5885-5890.
Beismann-Driemeyer S & Tampé R.
Function of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) in cellular immunity, tumor escape, and virus persistence.
Membrane Transporter Diseases. Broer S and Wagner CA. Eds., Kluwer Academic/ Plenum Publishers, New York (2004).
Koch J, Guntrum R, Heintke S, Kyritsis C & Tampé R.
Functional dissection of the transmembrane domains of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP).
J. Biol. Chem. 2004; 279: 10142–10147.
Publications 2003
Hutschenreiter S, Neumann L, Rädler U, Schmitt L & Tampé R.
Metal-chelating amino acids as building block for synthetic receptors sensing of metal ions and histidine-tagged proteins.
ChemBioChem, 2003, 4, 1340-1344.
Ackerman AL, Kyritsis C, Tampé R & Cresswell P.
Early phagosomes and pinosomes constitue a unique celular compartment sufficient for the cross presentation of exogeneous antigens.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2003, 100, 12889-12894.
Chen M, Abele R & Tampé R.
Peptides induce ATP Hydrolysis at both Subunits of the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing.
J. Biol. Chem. 2003, 278, 29686–29692.
Peters B, Bulik S, Tampé R, van Endert PM & Holzhütter H-G.
Identifying MHC Class I Epitopes by Predicting the TAP Transport Efficiency of Epitope Precursors.
J. Immunol. 2003, 171, 1741–1749.
Ritz U, Drexler I, Sutter D, Abele R, Huber C & Seliger B.
Impaired transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) function attributable to a single amino acid alteration in the peptide TAP subunit TAP1.
J. Immunol. 2003, 170(2), 941-6.
Janas E, Hofacker M, Chen M, Gompf S, van der Does C & Tampé R.
The ATP Hydrolysis Cycle of the Nucleotide-binding Domain of the Mitochondrial ATP-binding Cassette Transporter Mdl1p.
J. Biol. Chem. 2003, 278, 26862–26869.
Heintke S, Chen M, Ritz U, Lankat-Buttgereit B, Koch J, Abele R, Seliger B & Tampé R.
Functional cysteine-less subunits of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP1 and TAP2) by de novo gene assembly.
FEBS Lett. 2003, 533, 42–46.
Publications 2002
Schmitt L & Tampé R.
Structure and mechanism of ABC transporters.
Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 2002, 12, 754–760.
Neumann L, Abele R & Tampé R.
Thermodynamics of peptide binding to the transporter associated with antigen processing.
J. Mol. Biol. 2002, 324, 966–973.
Thess A, Hutschenreiter S, Hofmann M, Tampé R, Baumeister W & Guckenberger R.
Specific orientation and two-dimensional crystallization of the proteasome at metal-chelating lipid interfaces.
J. Biol. Chem. 2002, 11, 36321–36328.
Lankat-Buttgereit B & Tampé R.
The Transporter Associated With Antigen Processing: Function and Implications in Human Diseases.
Physiol. Rev. 2002, 82(1), 187-204.
Bauer D & Tampé R.
Herpes Viral Proteins Blocking the Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing TAP – From Genes to Function and Structure.
Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immunol. 2002, 269, 85-99.
Publications 2001
Busch K & Tampé R.
Single molecule research on surfaces.
Rev. Mol. Biotech. 2001, 82(1),3-24.
Seliger B, Ritz U, Abele R, Bock M, Tampé R, Sutter G, Drexler I, Huber C &
Ferrone S.
Immune escape of melanoma: first evidence of structural alterations in two distinct components of the MHC class I antigen processing pathway.
Cancer Res. 2001, 61(24), 8647-50.
Kyritsis C, Gorbulev S, Hutschenreiter S, Pawlitschko K, Abele R & Tampé R.
Molecular mechanism and structural aspects of TAP inhibition by the cytomegalovirus protein US6.
J. Biol. Chem. 2001, 51, 48031–48039.
Lage H, Perlitz C, Abele R, Tampé R, Dietel M, Schadendorf D & Sinha P.
Enhanced expression of human ABC-transporter tap is associated with cellular resistance to mitoxantrone.
FEBS Lett. 2001, 503(2-3), 179-84.
Gorbulev S, Abele R & Tampé R.
Allosteric crosstalk between peptide-binding, transport, and ATP hydrolysis of the ABC transporter TAP.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 2001, 98(7), 3732-7.
Seliger B, Schreiber K, Delp K, Meissner M, Hammers S, Reichert T, Pawlischko K, Tampé R & Huber C.
Downregulation of the constitutive tapasin expression in human tumor cells of distinct origin and its transcriptional upregulation by cytokines.
Tissue Antigens 2001, 57(1), 39-45.
Publications 2000
Radler U, Mack J, Persike N, Jung G & Tampé R.
Design of Supported Membranes Tethered via Metal-Affinity Ligand-Receptor Pairs.
Biophys. J. 2000, 79(6), 3144-3152.
Detmers FJM, Lanfermeijer FC, Abele R, Jack RW, Tampé R.
Konings WN & Poolman B, Combinatorial peptide libraries reveal the ligand-binding mechanism of the oligopeptide receptor OppA of Lactococcus lactis.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 2000, 97(23), 12487-12492.
Schmitt L & Tampé R.
Affinity, Specificity, Diversity - A Challenge for the ABC-Transporter TAP in cellular immunity.
ChemBioChem 2000, 1, 16-35.
Schendel DJ, Falk CS, Nossner E, Maget B, Kressenstein S, Urlinger S, Tampé R & Gansbacher B.
Gene transfer of human interferon gamma complementary DNA into a renal cell carcinoma line enhances MHC-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte recognition but suppresses non-MHC-restricted effector cell activity.
Gene Ther. 2000, 7(11), 950-9.
Schmitt L, Ludwig M, Gaub HE & Tampé R.
A metal-chelating microscopy tip as a new toolbox for single-molecule experiments by atomic force microscopy.
Biophys. J. 2000, 78(6), 3275-85.
Lapinski PE, Miller GG, Tampé R & Raghavan M.
Pairing of the nucleotide binding domains of the transporter associated with antigen processing.
J. Biol. Chem. 2000, 275(10), 6831-40.
Publications 1999
Neumann L & Tampé R.
Kinetic Analysis of Peptide Binding to the TAP Transport Complex - Evidence for Structural Rearrangements Induced by Substrate Binding.
J. Mol. Biol. 294, 1203-1213 (1999).
Lankat-Buttgereit B & Tampé R.
The Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing TAP: Structure and Function.
FEBS Letters 464, 108-112 (1999).
Pfänder R, Neumann L, Zweckstetter M, Seger C, Holak TA & Tampé R.
Structure of the active site domain of the Herpes-Simplex-Virus protein ICP47 in water/SDS solution determined by NMR spectroscopy.
Biochemistry 38(41):13692-8 (1999).
Abele R & Tampé R.
Function of the transport complex TAP in the cellular immune recognition Biochim.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1999 Dec 6;1461(2):405-19 (1999).
Dorn IT, Eschrich R, Seemüller E, Guckenberger R & Tampé R.
High-resolution AFM-imaging and mechanistic analysis of the 20 S proteasome.
J Mol Biol 21;288(5):1027-36 (1999).
Uebel S, Wiesmüller K-H, Jung G & Tampé R.
Peptide Libraries in Cellular Immune Recognition.
Curr. Topics in Microbiology and Immunolgy; 243: 1-21 eds. Winnacker, Wong & Famulok, Springer, Heidelberg (1999).
Uebel S & Tampé R.
Specificity of the proteasome and the TAP transporter.
Curr Opin Immunol 11(2):203-8 (1999).
Publications 1998
Dorn IT, Pawlitschko K, Pettinger SC & Tampé R.
Orientation and two-dimensional organization of proteins at chelator lipid interfaces.
Biol Chem 379(8-9):1151-9 (1998).
Rädler U, Heiz C, Luisi PL & Tampé R.
Base-pair formation of self-organizing RNA amphiphiles within two dimensions.
Langmuir 10;14(23):6620-6624 (1998).
Dorn IT, Hofmann UG, Peltonen J & Tampé R.
Diacetylene chelator lipids as support for immobilization and imaging of proteins by atomic force microscopy.
Langmuir 18;14(17):4836-4842 (1998).
Dorn IT, Neumaier KR & Tampé R.
Molecular recognition of histidine-tagged molecules by metal-chelating lipids monitored by fluorescence energy transfer and correlation spectroscopy.
J. Am. Chem. Soc 1;120(12):2753-2763 (1998).
Tampé R.
Das "ABC" der Immunologie - Funktion des Peptid-Transportkomplexes TAP bei der zellulären Immunerkennung.
BIOspektrum 4, 23-29 (1998).
Seliger B, Harders C, Lohmann S, Momburg F, Urlinger S, Tampé R & Huber C.
Down-regulation of the MHC class I antigen-processing machinery after oncogenic transformation of murine fibroblasts.
Eur J Immunol 28(1):122-33 (1998).
White CA, Thomson SA, Cooper L, van Endert PM, Tampé R, Coupar B, Qiu L, Parsons PG, Moss DJ & Khanna R.
Constitutive transduction of peptide transporter and HLA genes restores antigen processing function and cytotoxic T cell-mediated immune recognition of human melanoma cells.
Int J Cancer 75(4):590-5 (1998).
Publications 1997
Uebel S & Tampé R
Processing and selection of antigens by the MHC-encoded peptide transporter TAP. In Symposium in Immunology VI - Vaccination, eds. Eibl, Huber, Peter & Wahn, Springer, New York (1997).
Uebel S, Plantinga T, Weber PJ, Beck-Sickinger AG & Tampé R
Peptide binding and photo-crosslinking to detergent solubilized and to reconstituted transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP).
FEBS Lett 27;416(3):359-63 (1997).
Neumann L, Kraas W, Uebel S, Jung G & Tampé R
The active domain of the herpes simplex virus protein ICP47: a potent inhibitor of the transporter associated with antigen processing.
J Mol Biol 3;272(4):484-92 (1997).
Zeidler R, Eißner G, Meissner P, Uebel S, Tampé R, Lazis S & Hammerschmidt W
Downregulation of TAP1 in B lymphocytes by cellular and Epstein-Barr virus-encoded interleukin-10.
Blood 15;90(6):2390-7 (1997).
Ortmann B, Copeman J, Lehner PJ, Sadasivan B, Herberg JA, Grandea AG, Riddell SR, Tampé R, Spies T, Trowsdale J & Cresswell P
A critical role for tapasin in the assembly and function of multimeric MHC class I-TAP complexes.
Science 9;277(5330):1306-9 (1997).
Uebel S, Kraas W, Kienle S, Wiesmüller KH, Jung G & Tampé R
Recognition principle of the TAP transporter disclosed by combinatiorial peptide libraries.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 19;94(17):8976-81 (1997).
Tampé R, Urlinger S, Pawlitschko K & Uebel S
The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP). In Unusual Secretory Pathways: From Bacteria to Man, ed K. Kuchler, A Rubartelli, B Holland, Landes (1997)
Wagner D, Hofmann UG, Dorn I, Schmitt L, Tampé R & Gaub HE
Anomalous pH dependence of the coexistence pressure of the polymerizable two-chain N-lipid methyl-bis(pentacosadiinoyl-oxyethyl)-amine.
Eur. Biophys. J. 26, 271-275 (1997).
Vives-Pi M, Vargas F, James RF, Trowsdale J, Costa M, Sospedra M, Somoza N, Obiols G, Tampé R & Pujol-Borrell R
Proteasome subunits, low-molecular-mass polypeptides 2 and 7 are hyperexpressed by target cells in autoimmune thyroid disease but not in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: implications for autoimmunity.
Tissue Antigens 50(2):153-63 (1997).
Seliger B, Höhne A, Jung D, Kallfelz M, Knuth A, Jaeger E, Bernhard H, Momburg F, Tampé R & Huber C
Expression and function of the peptide transporters in escape variants of human renal cell carcinomas.
Exp Hematol. 25(7):608-14 (1997).
Urlinger S, Kuchler K, Meyer TH, Uebel S & Tampé R
Intracellular location, complex formation, and function of the transporter associated with antigen processing in yeast.
Eur J Biochem 245(2), 266-272 (1997).
Beinert D, Neumann L, Uebel S & Tampé R
Structure of the viral TAP-inhibitor ICP47 induced by membrane association. Biochemistry 36(15), 4694-4700 (1997).
Dietrich C, Merkel R & Tampé R
Diffusion measurement of fluorescence-labeled amphiphilic molecules with a standard fluorescence microscope.
Biophys J 72(4), 1701-1710 (1997).
Publications 1996
Tampé R, Dietrich C, Gritsch S, Elender G & Schmitt L
Biofunctionalized membranes on solid surfaces. In Nanofabrication and Biosystems: Frontiers and Challenges, ed HC Hoch, LW Jelinski, HG Craighead, pp 201-221. Cambridge University Press (1996).
Ahn K, Meyer TH, Uebel S, Sempe P, Djaballah H, Yang Y, Peterson PA, Fruh K & Tampé R
Molecular mechanism and species specificity of TAP inhibition by herpes simplex virus ICP47.
EMBO J 15(13), 3247-3255 (1996).
Seliger B, Höhne A, Knuth A, Bernhard H, Ehring B, Tampé R & Huber C
Reduced membrane major histocompatibility complex class I density and stability in a subset of human renal cell carcinomas with low TAP and LMP expression.
Clin Cancer Res 2(8):1427-33 (1996).
Chen HL, Gabrilovich D, Tampé R, Girgis KR & Nadaf S, Carbone DP
A functionally defective allele of TAP1 results in loss of MHC class I antigen presentation in a human lung cancer.
Nat Genet 13(2), 210-213 (1996).
Seliger B, Höhne A, Knuth A, Bernhard H, Meyer T, Tampé R, Momburg F & Huber C
Analysis of the major histocompatibility complex class I antigen presentation machinery in normal and malignant renal cells: evidence for deficiencies associated with transformation and progression.
Cancer Res 56(8), 1756-1760 (1996).
Dietrich C, Boscheinen O, Scharf KD, Schmitt L & Tampé R
Functional immobilization of a DNA-binding protein at a membrane interface via histidine tag and synthetic chelator lipids.
Biochemistry 35(4), 1100-1105 (1996).
Schmitt L & Tampé R
Synthesis and Characterization of ATP-lipids: Protein Anchor and Energy Source in Two Dimensions.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 5532- 5545 (1996).
Jung G, Niedermann G, Eichmann K, Uebel S, Tampé R, Walden P, Ihlenfeldt H-G, Kraas W, Kienle S & Wiesmüller K-H
Processing, transport and MHC restricted presentation of antigens studies by peptide libraries. In Peptides: Chemistry, Structure and Biology, eds. Kaumaya & Hodges, Mayflower Scientific Ltd., pp.761-763 (1996).
Ehring B, Meyer TH, Eckerskorn C, Lottspeich F & Tampé R
Effects of major-histocompatibility-complex-encoded subunits on the peptidase and proteolytic activities of human 20S proteasomes. Cleavage of proteins and antigenic peptides.
Eur J Biochem 235(1-2), 404-415 (1996).
Schmitt L, Bohanon TM, Denzinger S, Ringsdorf H & Tampé R
Specific protein docking to chelator lipid monolayers monitored by FT-IR at the air-water interface.
Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. Engl. 35, 317-320 (1996).
Publications 1995
Dietrich C, Schmitt L & Tampé R
Molecular organization of histidine-tagged biomolecules at self-assembled lipid interfaces using a novel class of chelator lipids.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92(20), 9014-9018 (1995).
Dietrich C & Tampé R
Charge determination of membrane molecules in polymer-supported lipid layers.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1238(2), 183-191 (1995).
Uebel S, Meyer TH, Kraas W, Kienle S, Jung G, Wiesmuller KH & Tampé R
Requirements for peptide binding to the human transporter associated with antigen processing revealed by peptide scans and complex peptide libraries.
J Biol Chem 270(31), 18512-18516 (1995).
Früh K, Ahn K, Djaballah H, Sempe P, van Endert PM, Tampé R, Peterson PA & Yang Y
A viral inhibitor of peptide transporters for antigen presentation.
Nature 375(6530), 415-418 (1995).
Clover LM, Sargent IL, Townsend A, Tampé R & Redman CW
Expression of TAP1 by human trophoblast.
Eur J Immunol 25(2), 543-553 (1995).
Schmitt L & Tampé R
Molecular recognition and organization of histidine-tagged biomolecules at self-assembled lipid interfaces using a novel class of chelator lipids.
Prot. Engineering 8, 121 (1995).
Gritsch S, Neumaier K, Schmitt L & Tampé R
Engineered fusion molecules at chelator lipid interfaces imaged by reflection interference contrast microscopy (RICM).
Biosensors & Bioelectr. 10(9-10), 805-812 (1995).
Publications 1994
Brink G, Schmitt L, Tampé R & Sackmann E
Self assembly of covalently anchored phospholipid supported membranes by use of DODA-Suc-NHS-lipids.
Biochim Biophys Acta 1196(2), 227-230 (1994).
Meyer TH, van Endert PM, Uebel S, Ehring B & Tampé R
Functional expression and purification of the ABC transporter complex associated with antigen processing (TAP) in insect cells.
FEBS Lett 351(3), 443-447 (1994).
van Endert PM, Tampé R, Meyer TH, Tisch R, Bach JF & McDevitt HO
A sequential model for peptide binding and transport by the transporters associated with antigen processing.
Immunity 1(6), 491-500 (1994).
Kühner M, Tampé R & Sackmann E
Lipid mono- and bilayer supported on polymer films: composite polymer-lipid films on solid substrates.
Biophys J 67(1), 217-226 (1994).
Müller KM, Ebensperger C & Tampé R
Nucleotide binding to the hydrophilic C-terminal domain of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP).
J Biol Chem 269(19), 14032-14037 (1994).
Schmitt L, Dietrich C & Tampé, R
Synthesis and characterization of chelator-lipids for reversible immobilization of engineered proteins at self-assembled lipid interfaces.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 8485-8491 (1994).
Publications <1994
Tampé R, Tyvoll D & McConnell HM
Reactions of the subunits of the class II major histocompatibility complex molecule IAd.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88(23), 10667-10670 (1991).
Tampé R, Clark BR & McConnell HM
Energy transfer between two peptides bound to one MHC class II molecule.
Science 254(5028), 87-89 (1991).
Tampé R & Galla HJ
Synergistic effects of Ca2+ and wheat germ agglutinin on the lamellar-hexagonal (HII) phase transition of glycophorin-containing egg-phosphatidylethanolamine membranes.
Eur J Biochem 1991, 187-193.
Tampé R & McConnell HM
Kinetics of antigenic peptide binding to the class II major histocompatibility molecule I-Ad.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88(11), 4661-4665 (1991).
Tampé R, von Lukas A & Galla HJ
Glycophorin-induced cholesterol-phospholipid domains in dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles.
Biochemistry 30(20), 4909-4916 (1991).
Tampé R, Robitzki A & Galla HJ
Interaction between glycophorin and a spin-labeled cholesterol analogue in reconstituted dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles.
Biochim Biophys Acta 982(1), 41-46 (1989).
Tampé R, Winter A, Wohlfart P, Becker J & Galla HJ
Reconstitution and EPR-spectroscopic characterization of glycophorin containing phospholid vesicles.
Chem Phys Lipids 51, 91-103.
Ollmann M, Tampé R, Winter A, Wohlfart P & Galla HJ
Interaction of ganglioside and glycophorin carbohydrates with membrane surfaces.
Ber Bunsenges Phys Chem 92, 982-985.