Publications 2011
Reimer, D., Pos, K. M., Thines, M., Grün, P., Bode, H.B. (2011)
A natural prodrug activation mechanism in non-ribosomal peptide synthesis.
Nature Chem. Biol, 7: 888-890
Vargiu, A. V., Collu, F., Schulz, R., Pos, K. M., Zacharias, M., Kleinekathöfer, U., Ruggerone, P. (2011)
Effect of the F610A Mutation on Substrate Extrusion in the AcrB Transporter: Explanation and Rationale by Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133: 10704-10707.
Brandstätter, L., Sokolova, L., Eicher, T., Seeger, M., Briand, C., Cha, H-J., Cernescu, M., Bohnert, J., Kern, W., Brutschy, B., Pos, K.M.* (2011)
Analysis of AcrB and AcrB/DARPin ligand complexes by LILBID MS.
Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 1808: 2189-2196.
Oswald, C., Pos, K. M. (2011)
Drug resistance: A periplasmic Menage a Trois.
Chem. Biol. 18: 405-407.
Oberfeld, B., Ruffieux-Daidie, D., Vitagliano, J.J., Pos, K.M., Verrey, F., Staub, O. (2011)
Ubiquitin-specific protease 2-45 (Usp2-45) binds to epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) ubiquitylating enzyme Nedd4-2.
Am. J. Physiol. Renal. Physiol., 2011 Apr 6th
Publications 2010
Pietras, Z., Lin, H. T., Surade, S., Luisi, B., Slattery, O., Pos, K. M., Moreno, A. (2010)
The use of novel organic gels and hydrogels in protein crystallization.
J. Appl. Cryst. 43: 58-63
Publications 2009
Pos, K. M. (2009)
Trinity revealed: Stoichiometric complex assembly of a bacterial multidrug efflux pump.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106:6893-6894.
Seeger, M. A., von Ballmoos, C., Verrey, F., Pos, K. M. (2009)
Crucial Role of Asp408 in the Proton Translocation Pathway of Multidrug Transporter AcrB: Evidence from Site-Directed Mutagenesis and Carbodiimide Labeling.
Biochemistry 48: 5801-5812.
Eicher, T., Brandstätter, L., Pos, K. M. (2009)
Structural and functional aspects of the multidrug efflux pump AcrB.
Biol. Chem. 390: 693-699.
Pos, K. M. (2009)
Drug transport mechanism of the AcrB efflux pump.
Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1794: 782-793.
Publications 2008
Seeger, M. A., Schiefner, A., Eicher, T., Verrey, F., Diederichs, K., Pos, K.M. (2008)
The AcrB efflux pump: conformational cycling and peristalsis lead to multidrug resistance.
Curr Drug Targets. 9: 729-749.
Camargo, S. M. R., Singer, D., Makrides, V., Huggel, K., Pos, K. M., Wagner, C.A., Kuba, K., Danilczyk, U., Skovby, F., Kleta, R., Penninger, J. M., Verrey, F. (2008)
Tissue-specific amino acid transporter partners ACE2 and Collectrin differentially interact with Hartnup mutations.
Gastroenterology 136: 872-882.
Bohnert J. A., Schuster S., Seeger M.A., Fähnrich E., Pos K.M., Kern W.V (2008)
Site-Directed Mutagenesis reveals Putative Substrate Binding Residues in the Escherichia coli RND Efflux Pump AcrB.
J Bacteriol. 190: 8225–8229.
Gauntlett J. C., Gebhard, S., Keis, S., Manson J. M., Pos, K. M., Cook, G.M. (2008)
Molecular analysis of BcrR: A membrane-bound bacitracin sensor and DNA-binding protein from Enterococcus faecalis.
J. Biol. Chem. 283: 8591-8600.
Seeger, M. A., von Ballmoos, C., Eicher, T., Brandstätter, L., Verrey, F., Diederichs, K., Pos, K. M. (2008)
Engineered disulfide bonds support the functional rotation mechanism of multidrug efflux pump AcrB.
Nature Struc. Mol. Biol., 15: 199-205.
Group Members
(For e-mail, just click on the name after "Email")
Dr. Klaas Martinus Pos
Professor & Group Leader
phone +49-(0)69-798-29251
Email: pos
Ute Imkampe
Administrative assistant
phone +49-(0)69-798-29238
Email: imkampe
Dr. Reinke Müller
phone: +49-(0)69-798-29241
Email: müller
Dr. Hui Zeng
phone: +49-(0)69-798-29242
Graduate students
Jessica Kobylka
Phone: +49-(0)69-798-29240
Email: kobylka
Miriam Schmidt
Phone: +49-(0)69-798-29240
Email: schmidt
Maryia Lazarova
Phone: +49-(0)69 - 798 29241
Email: lazarova
Julia Wilhelm
phone +49-(0)69-798-29241
Email: wilhelm
Jasmin El-Delik
phone +49-(0)69-798-29240
Email: el-delik
Christian Groß
phone: +49-(0)69-798-29236
Email: groß
Andrea Herrmann
phone +49-(0)69-798-29242
Email. herrmann